The Nephilim Universe: The Ebony Angel Series by L.L. Hunter
Title: The Nephilim Universe: The Ebony Angel Series Author: L.L. Hunter Genre: YA Fantasy Publication Date: Nov. 30 th , 2023 Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR Blurb: When you have the most dangerous ability in the universe, nowhere is safe. Being related to one of the most powerful Nephilim families in the universe has its perks… and its curses. Ebony is the daughter of Eden and Asher and should have the worlds at her feet. But when you have the most dangerous ability, the power to destroy anything with a mere thought, nowhere is safe. Her parents kept her existence a secret until she was sixteen, but now Ebony needs schooling, and her family need help. But after seeking guidance about Ebony’s ability from her family in the Nephilim Capital, and the heavenly realm of Fire, Eden, Asher and Ebony soon discover that many want the Blackbell family gone from government, or from this world. A new threat is surfacing, and Eb...