Penny the One Trick Pony by Justine Scire
Title: Penny the One Trick Pony Author: Justine Scire Genre: Children’s Lit Illustrator: Joanna Pasek Publication Date: February 27 th , 2020 Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR Blurb: Come One! Come All! See the amazing One Trick Pony! When the circus comes to town, Penny’s dream of joining just might come true. But only if she can pass try-outs. With the help of her friend Tommy, Penny learns that with practice and hard work, you can achieve anything. Practice makes you better! Adults and children alike will love this beautifully illustrated story, all about believing in yourself and making your dreams a reality. Buy Link: Amazon: Justine Scire lives in Central Florida with her husband, curious daughter and two dogs. She is an avid Disney fan, who makes frequent trips to visit the infamous mouse and his friends. She enjoys having tea parties, trying new foods and traveling with her family. Most importa...