Madness by Kailee Reese Samuels
Title: Madness Series: Sinister Fairy Tales Collection Author: Kailee Reese Samuels Genre: Dark Romance/Reverse Harem Release Date: December 17, 2019 As a starry-eyed child, I wanted to believe my shining prince would ride up on a white horse, present a diamond ring, and carry me away to his castle. His love would be endless and our lives would be the happily ever after all girls dreamed about. I never knew the fairytale was nothing more than a lie. I was a good girl. Until one night, one tiny trip, one little mistake, one moment of indiscretion. When I fell down the rabbit hole, I stumbled into the absolute fantasy, succumbing to their whims and rituals. As their very naughty girl, I embraced the nightmare and refused to ever leave. The Darkland is mine. And those monsters will kneel before their one true Queen. ...