Sink or Swim by Emily Cyr
Title: Sink or Swim Author: Emily Cyr Genre: Adult Paranormal Cover Designer: Najla Qamber Designs Editor: Kristina Circelli Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR Blurb: After having her hard-won sobriety ripped away from her, Addison Fitzpatrick is fighting to get clean. She has another favor to repay to the powerful vampire, Cannon Blackwood. It seems simple enough. Act as his date as he hands his power over to Merriam-- a vindictive, insane old vampire who controls Cannon’s brother Lachlan. And then she would be one step closer to freedom. But Addison soon realizes there’s a lot more at stake here than the future of the vampires. This time, it’s gotten personal. Emily Cyr is a stay-at-home mom turned writer. She holds a degree in middle grades education with certification in English and social science. She has always had a love of all things paranormal and fantasy, but it wasn’t until Emily’s husband said the words, “Why not?” that she considered puttin...