Kinship by Caroline A. Gill
Title: Kinship One and Two Author: Caroline A.Gill Genre: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR Blurb: Valen Kildrake has a problem: Vampires are real, and they are very, very hungry. Armed with ancient spells, weapons of pure silver, holy water, and deep-dish pizza, Valen hunts down the monsters who feed on humans, confronting death in battle after battle. But he is only one man against a horde. Worse, his enemies are getting smarter and bolder. What will he do when a new force of unknown power appears? Who can he trust when other hunters hide secrets of their own? Clever and greedy, vampires are slowly winning the ancient war against the razor-sharp blades of the trained warriors of Mars Alator. One by one, skilled Hunters are being torn to shreds by fangs and claws. Valen fights on, determined to honor his father’s memory, vowing to destroy as many leeches as he can before the inevitable end. So...